Daniel McCoy
Deputy Fire Chief
District of Columbia Fire and EMS Department
Deputy Fire Chief Daniel McCoy currently commands the District of Columbia Fire and EMS Department’s Special Operations and Homeland Security Division. He has been in this position since April of 2020.
Chief McCoy oversees the administration, operations, leadership, and supervision of the Special Operations and Homeland Security Division. This Division is responsible for a range of critical functions, including Special Operations, Homeland Security, the Fire Operations Center, Technical Rescue and Urban Search and Rescue (USAR), the Foam Unit, the ROCC Fire Liaison Officer, the Marine Fire/Rescue Unit, Hazardous Material Response, the Mass Casualty Task Force, and Active Shooter programs. Additionally, Chief McCoy coordinates Fire and EMS response and management for over 500 annual special events, including numerous marathons, festivals, sporting events, and other large-scale events that occur within the Nation’s Capital.
From January 2017 to April 2020, Chief McCoy served as a Battalion Fire Chief where he provided supervision of personnel in the Special Operations Battalion. His other responsibilities included commanding response teams, engaging community partners, protecting national landmarks, and coordinating responses with multiple agencies for WMD, CBRNE, active shooter, MCI, and urban search and rescue.
Chief McCoy has been the Incident Commander on multiple high-profile events to include, multiple National Special Security Events (NSSE), presidential inaugurations, state funerals, planned and unplanned 1st Amendment activities and DCFD’s response to the U.S Capitol on January 6th. He is currently the NSSE Fire Life Safety Subcommittee Chair for events within the District of Columbia.