Christopher Folchi
Platform Owner, Service Central Program Management Office
Defense Intelligence Agency
Christopher L. Folchi is the Platform Owner for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Service Central (ServiceNow) implementation. Over the last two years, Mr. Folchi led a team of computer programmers and business process consultants to reset DIA’s Service Central platform to baseline configuration to improve CIO’s enterprise service delivery. Mr. Folchi and the team realigned more than 1,200 IT processes to industry best practices and optimized more than 450 services and enterprise applications.
His team removed years of customization that threatened the health, sustainability, and affordability of the legacy platform. The team also created a structured governance model and secured C-Suite endorsement of platform policy. The new Service Central is a true Enterprise Platform Service Solution, hosting services from across DIA business areas, including logistics, facilities, human resources, security, information technology and other business enabling functions. His team has consulted with 16 partner organizations in areas of platform adoption, governance, and executive sponsorship.
Mr. Folchi has 38 years of federal service and came to DIA following retirement from the U.S. Air Force. His prior assignments include a tour as the Chief of Staff and Principal advisor to the DIA Chief Information Officer, a deployment to Afghanistan as the Chief of IT Systems forward, and an overseas tour as the DIA Chief of Security, Europe. Christopher is a retired Supervisory Special Agent and career investigator with expertise in interview, interrogation, and polygraph.
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice and a certificate of Graduate Studies in Forensic Psychophysiological Detection of Deception.